Tuesday, April 24, 2018

April 23 - My Valley Day In 16 Words

Dog walk. Air park. Lunch.
Driving range. Book store. Fit park.
Grab Pax. Drop boys. Leave.

April 22 - Gage Makes Butter Chicken

I could sit in sun
Or I could drive up-Island
I get in the car

Sunday, April 1, 2018

March 31 - Never Reward A Dog For Good Bathtime Behaviour By Taking Him Walking To The Witty's Lagoon Estuary

Parker gets a bath
Then he's mud to the belly
Smelling foul and dank

March 30 - R Is Happiest Outdoors All The Time, Like Me

Barefoot in cold sand
We shall will this spring to life
Beach, park, backyard bounce

March 29 - The Zoom Job Interview Day

New work comes our way
Good for income, less for time
Money always wins